Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I got my nose pierced. Apparently in ancient Indian medicine there is a nerve in the left nostril that directly effects the female reproductive system. It's supposed to make child-birth less painful and makes period pain less painful. Right now I can't vouch for it, but I needed it since now I'm officially an art student.

"Started" my course yesterday. I say that, but it's really more of a start for them. I got an email yesterday saying that I'll get all my course material within' the next 8-10 days. It makes me wonder why they didn't send them 8-10 days ago but whatever. I'm really excited and yet nervous about starting. What if I'm hopeless and I have no one immediately to ask? Apparently they have tutors that you can ask so it seems like a really great system they've got but I'm still worried. 

I shouldn't underestimate myself so much. I'm thinking of going for a different job now. I really am sick of the hospitality industry and just want something new. I feel so guilty now since my boss is being super awesome and nice lately. It's really nothing to do with that. It's just that I'd rather do something in retail and not have to wear a fucking hat to work (I hate hats). I'd be able to wear almost what ever I want (as long as the store sells it). I'd be able to wear all my ear piercings and my nose (!) and I'd just feel better about myself. Working in hospitality is just degrading and I want a change.

I'm not going to quit before I get another job anyway. Won't make that mistake ever again.

Back to pain... Owwwww

Monday, March 8, 2010

Patrick and his wives

I have a new fish. Her name is Patricia and she is Patrick's wife. Patrick is going to have 3 wives; Patricia, Reginna and Cruelia.

Patrick is one lucky man. Lucky because I can't put any other fish in his tank because he's a fighter fish. Bastard.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I've just got off the phone with my mother-in-law. She's a talker, but I'm in a talking mood so I didn't mind spending an hour and a half on the phone. I just realised that she was talking to me about doing a course, which she knows I'm already doing. Everyone seems to be against the idea of me doing this course by corrospondance and it's making me crazy. I'm really looking forward to this course and finally having a really awesome qualification but everyone seems to think I'm going to fail. I guess it's only making me more determined... But fuck!

Cold has become a cough now too. I'm loving this weather.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Yesterday, I was feeding my dog Pig his usual caserole looking canned food. I actually thought it looked alright while I was pouring it out. He obviously disagreed because he looked at me, looked at the food, walked up and pissed on it. I just looked at him. Dumbfounded. What the balls is wrong with this dog?? He's getting so skinny now and he just pissed on his food?

I'm very angry at him but despite that he's now sleeping under my feet. Little dog is lucky there's a thunderstorm outside and he's cute.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fat Jokes

I'm the kind of girl who can poke fun at herself about just about anything but absolutely not fat jokes. I just can't take it and it's not because I am fat; I'm not. I really like my body and while I exercise regularly it's not to lose weight as much as to maintain my health and loosen up my hips (damn hips!). I was making fun of my mum's lazy boyfriend because damn, that man is LAZY and he said something about my arse being fat and I just... Went quiet. I just don't like it one bit but how am I supposed to bring that up without looking like a dick?


I've been in so much pain with my fucking grandma hips lately. They've been achy since I was about 15 and I always just thought it was endo but now learning that there's really no active endometriosis what the fuck is causing the pain? It's really exhausting because now I have some completely unrelated problem with my hips and I just don't know how to approach it. Do I ignore it? Because I know that can only end badly. I just seriously can't.be.fucked to do anything about it. Gah!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Growing Up

Is it really optional as the motivational posters say? Or did you ever think "Man, I am fucking grown up now I've done *this*".

THE day I felt grown up was the 6th of September 2007. I'd just got my license and I was driving to my mum's house. On my own. With no one else in the car. On that very moment I knew that I was grown up.

It's been 8 years and I haven't had such a grown up moment since. I've lived overseas, I've paid bills, I've been serious with my boyfriend for lyke EVAH, but I've never felt as grown up as I did driving in the car by myself.

I think it's because of my lack of a proper job, excluding my catering manager BS job in Dubai because if you don't make the money then it's volunteer work; Volunteering doesn't count. Felix and I have never lived *alone* in our own place despite being together for coming up 6 years *ahh!*. I suppose since we've been together for this long I've never had an opportunity to do anything for myself. I've never had to really think hard about money and budgeting and all that boring stuff because I have a lovely nerdy boyfriend to do it all for me. My mum fights all my battles with shop assistants and the like. 

I just hope Felix and I are together forever because it's a little too late to learn... Or I can't be bothered to learn. I like being a kid.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Everyone thinks I'm anemic but I'm not. I give blood every 3 months and they test every time because I'm so pale but it always comes back negative. I just don't really eat red meat that much and I don't appreciate the sun's rays on my face. At least I'm gunna be a sexy 60 year old, right?

That's something to live for, right?

My life is soon to be very very busy. A girl at work just quit last night and she's the one who works the most hours. My boss said that I'd get ALL these hours. It's not that I'm not appreciative of the extra work because God knows I need it but I just applied to start an advanced diploma! I just hope I have enough time because I actually *like* working. I like earning my *own* money and I like the customers that come to Bakers Delight. I just need to focus on my future for the next 2 years and I really hope my boss understands that.

She's kind of a hardarse but I think she loves me now that I'm her only hope.